Chitimacha Tribe Department & Services


As charged by the Chitimacha Tribal Council, the Chitimacha Recreation Department will contribute to the well-being of the Chitimacha People by providing recreational facilities, programs and services that promote a healthy lifestyle among all who participate.


Recent Event Photos:

Tour du Teche 2014

Visit the Chitimacha Photo Gallery to view full size photos.


Contact Information:

William “Billy” St. Blanc, Recreation Director
Jeri St. Blanc, Recreation Coordinator
Toni Darden, Administrative Secretary/Facilitator

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 661
Charenton, LA.   70523

Physical Address:
312 Chitimacha Loop
Charenton, LA.   70523   

Phone:  337-923-4975
Fax:  337-923-7555